by M.S. Karlen, Editor, CDAC (Comprehensive Dialogue among Civilizations, Geneva)
29 August 2023
by Robert David English
29 October 2022
The first and the last USSR president, Mikhail Gorbachev, who stepped down on December 25, 1991, gave an interview to Interfax special correspondent Vyacheslav Terekhov ahead of the 30th anniversary of that event.
27 December 2021
The Wall Street Journal, 10 April, 2019
The New York Times, May 2, 2019
This article has been publushed in Russian in Rossiya v globalnoy politike journal, #3. 2021.
Paper presented at the International Conference “Girlhood in Turbulent Times: Gender Equality as a Cultural Norm and a Social Practice”, 7 April 2017
The paper presented at a Round Table Discussion: "1985–2015. The Values of Perestroika in the Context of Today's Russia on 28 May, 2015.
A presentation at the Expertise roundtable at the Gorbachev Foundation, June 24, 2014
A report at the International Conference "France, the USSR and the end of the Cold War, 1975-1991", January, 23-24, 2014
Carnegie Moscow Center TUESDAY. AUGUST 20, 2013
A report at a Gorbachev Foundation Conference, Moscow, December 6, 2012
Lecture in Moscow, June 20, 2012
Speech at a Gorbachev Foundation Conference, Moscow, November 10-11, 2011
2.III.1931 — 30.VIII.2022

Mikhail Gorbachev: A Transcendent Spirit for a New World Civilization
by M.S. Karlen, Editor, CDAC (Comprehensive Dialogue among Civilizations, Geneva)